
The Stethoscope Buyer’s Guide

Note: if you are interested in learning about how stethoscopes work, visit Tools of the Trade: the Stethoscope and How to Use it.

The stethoscope is the one piece of equipment you definitely need.  What follows are our favorites. NOTE: we have no affiliation with 3M/Littman – we just like their scopes, and prefer them (hands down) over other brands.  We get no affiliate money for our opinion (which you can tell because you can’t buy them through our site!)


3M Littmann Stethoscope Cardiology III, 27 Black 3M Littman Cardiology III

For Adult Patients:

Ask around and it will be clear that the Littman Cardiology III was for years the standard by which other stethoscopes were measured.

The newer version, the Cardiology IV is an update than stays true to the original.  You can pay less and get much less.  You can pay more to get gold plating or digital recording features (quality digital scopes are much more expensive and magnify sounds you don’t want as well as the ones you do), but we’ve never seen the point.  We’re not fans of the Littman Master Cardiology, which for some reason has poorer sound quality than the III and IV.  Our theory is that the chest piece is too thin to allow for good sound transfer.

For our money, the Cardiology IV delivers the highest quality for the right price.  There is a 24-inch version, but we prefer the 27-inch tubing, as it hangs more comfortably around the neck.  Don’t worry; modern materials and design have eliminated any noticeable difference in sound quality or volume of the longer tube.  Also many who try the shorter version find that it puts them uncomfortably close to the patient’s face — like you’re going to kiss!  There is actually some evidence that a slightly longer tube may provide a broader sound spectrum.  If you want an excellent stethoscope that will last you for years (Littman Cardiology IVs come with a 7-year warranty) then this is the one.

On a Budget?

3M Littmann Master Classic II Stethoscope, 27 Black Edition with Black Plated Chestpiece 3M Littman Master Classic II

If you’re on a tighter budget, or you’re in the market for a more basic scope, the Littman Master Classic is a solid choice.  This one is intended for the generalist, or the emergency responder.  You’ll notice that its chest piece is single-sided, so there is no “bell” feature for listening to lower tones, but many clinicians don’t find a bell an absolute necessity.  It is also possible to simulate a bell by using light pressure when auscultating.  Again, we prefer the longer 27-inch tube over the 24-inch for comfort.  Finally, the all black finish has a serious look, and is uncommon enough to avoid your steth being accidentally taken home by someone else (an occasional problem with the ubiquitous Littman Cardiology III).


For pediatric patients:

3M Littmann Stethoscope Classic II S.E. Pediatric, 28 Caribbean Blue 3M Littman Classic II S.E. Pediatric

If you work in a primary care setting and see an occasional child, you can get away with an adult scope by using the bell with a little less pressure, but if you work in pediatrics, you’ll definitely want a pediatric stethoscope.  The Littman Classic II S.E. Pediatric is a good choice, and features soft diaphragm and bell covers, so you won’t have to warm it up before placing it on the kiddies.  The heads are sized and contoured to fit infants and children, giving you better contact and clearer sound.  If you’re working with kids, consider another color, just for fun – black is so stodgy and grownup!  The one pictured here is “Caribbean Blue.”