Interview Coaching

Interviewing is the final step in the PA school admissions process.  We know how important this opportunity is to you.  We also know that luck and natural talent can only take you so far, and we're here to help..  Let us prepare you to give the interview of a lifetime!

Succeed with Honest, Constructive, Individualized Help

If you have a PA school interview coming up, congratulations are definitely in order. But don't celebrate just yet; a great interview takes preparation.  With so much riding on this last step in the PA school admissions process, you need to know where you're strong, where you're weak, and how to leverage that knowledge to truly impress in your interviewers. That's where interview coaching comes in.

Why You Need PA School Interview Coaching

After coaching so many PA school interviewees, we know that  most applicants prepare the same way: they google hundreds of interview questions and memorize answers to them.  The result is that they all end up sounding pretty much alike.   But to do well in your interview -- to claim your seat in a PA school class -- you can't sound like everyone else. 

What We Will Teach You

With Inside PA Training's help, you will be prepared to make a much different impression. 

Specifically, we will teach you to:

  • Go beyond the standard answers that everyone uses, without sounding scripted.
  • Play to your unique strengths, and even create new ones from your weaknesses
  • Determine how well a program fits your needs.  After all, you're interviewing them too!
  • Deal with different interview formats (MMI, Group Interviews, virtual interviews). 
  • Overcome anxiety and project confidence

If that sounds like a lot to learn, it is!  But no one has more experience on the subject than we do, and we're ready to help you too.  

Meet Your Coaches

Paul Kubin, PA-C is the publisher of Inside PA Training and America's leading PA career coach. He has helped students of all types to achieve their goal of entering the physician assistant profession. He has served as for consultant the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics on PA careers, and his articles on the profession are read more than 1 million times a year. Paul’s supportive and enthusiastic coaching style have made interview coaching Inside PA Training's most popular service.

Lisa K. Walker, MPAS, PA-C, has been a PA educator since 1997. She has worked clinically in family practice and correctional medicine.  She has started and run multiple PA programs and in that capacity has reviewed thousands of applications and interviewed hundreds of PA candidates.  She has a practical, enthusiastic, and caring approach that her students love.  She joined Paul as a coach in 2019.

How Interview Coaching Works

Interview coaching is done in two 75-minute sessions via Facetime/Skype/Zoom.  When you sign up you will receive preparation materials to review before the sessions.  

  • Session 1 (Instruction): your coach (Paul or Lisa) will familiarize you with the most important interview questions, help you develop responses to them, and teach you how to practice.

Between Sessions, you practice what you've learned.

  • Session 2 (MOCK AND FEEDBACK): you will check in with your coach to talk about how the practice went and to answer questions about anything that isn't clear.  You will then have the mock interview, followed by feedback on what's working and what needs improvement.  You will receive specific recommendations about what to work on in the final days before your interview.

If you have questions during the coaching period, Paul and Lisa are always available to answer them at no additional cost.  

Reserve Your Coaching Sessions Now

"After working with Paul, I felt confident to face my PA interview. I knew what I had to offer and how to come across looking my best. Many PA school candidates are choosing the PA profession for similar reasons, and there's a danger that your answers will sound just like everyone else's. Paul helped me transform generic, yet true, answers into responses that provided a glimpse into the real me. The best part about Paul's training was that at my interview, I didn't feel fake and rehearsed, saying what everybody knows the school wants to hear. Rather, I felt like I was opening up to an old friend, confidently discussing the truth about my dreams of becoming a PA."

- Kelly M.

If there is one thing I could recommend to prepare for your PA school interview, it would be to work one-on-one with Paul. I had very limited interview experience going into this process, and I had also been out of the university setting for a while so I did not have an advisor to turn to. I had no idea where to begin. Paul quickly got me up to speed on the relevant topics I needed to prepare for, and more importantly, how to prepare for them. During my first meeting with Paul I was extremely nervous but through our sessions and email communications he helped me become 100% confident by interview day. I knocked my first interview out of the park and got an offer for admission from my first choice school.                         


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  • Written prep materials for private study
  • 75 minutes of live instruction, prep, and time for Q&A
  • 75 minutes of mock interview with detailed feedback
  • Flexible scheduling


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